Tuesday, December 23

Soft Skill Training Takeaway !!!

In the last few days I have attended two soft skills trainings - Assertiveness Skills and Interpersonal Skills.
I would like to give a brief summary of the sessions in a combined form - my learnings and my take away points from them.

To start with a few self assessment handouts were given which were really helpful to know the Self; our Working Style, our Social Style - our willingness / reluctance to a given situation, the Personal Audit - verbal and written communication styles and our preference.I learnt which quadrant I fall into in the Johari Window and the combination of Responsiveness and Assertiveness I possess.

There were lots of role-plays with different real life scenarios and following them were discussions with the other participants present.This helped in knowing the different perspectives of different people.
We even got to see the clippings from the movie "Happy Gilmore" ; how being passive and aggressive never turns out to be beneficial to the self and the people around and how when changed, assertiveness helps to make the same situation suitable and favorable to all.

Learnt about the 3V's (Vocal, Visual and Verbal) of communication.

The other important part of the sessions were about building relations, working with team and feedbacks (giving and receiving).

These were the Key points for self assessment and the areas to work with, rest being just theory.

What do we mean by Interpersonal Skills?
The skills we need to deal with different persons.

Why do we need interpersonal skills ?
for effective communication - listening and probing.
for working well in groups maintaining a healthy working environment.
should be easy in giving and taking feedbacks.

Benefits of learning the skills?
Helps in personal and professional fronts.
Share work , work in teams comfortably.
helps to know about other persons' nature of working.

Different types of people
Passive ,

Define Assertiveness .
Definition from our group after a discussion - Putting across your point in an acceptable and factual manner by also listening to the other person and being responsive and not reactive.
Definition given by trainer - assertiveness is standing up for yourself in a way that doesn't violate the rights of the other person. Its a direct, honest and appropriate expression of your feelings and opinions.It is a Win Win situation for both.

How to Say "NO"?
Say a genuine no, don't cook up , don't walk around the point, approach it directly.
Say a reasoned NO or say a Rain checked/ Postponed NO.Types of communication.
External / Internal.
Formal / Informal.
Written / Oral - Verbal , Vocal and Visual

Verbal Communication - Through words and languages.
Visual Communication - Postures, Gestures, Movement, Facial Expressions, Eye Contact.
Vocal Communication - Voice Amplification, Tempo, Emphasis, Pitch, Tone,Pause and Silence.

Communication Techniques.

KISS - Keep it simple and short.

3T - Tell them what you will tell (give a hint of the message like a subject line) Tell them (Give the information) Tell them what you told ( repeat it, give importance to key points, summarize/ paraphrase, get a feedback through Q&A)

EDGE - Express emotions, Describe Situation, Give Consequences, Express Actions.

Effective Communication -
Effective communication is always a two way communication happening between sender and receiver through a common shared space.

Sender (with a intended thought) --> sends information/ shares thoughts by verbal or non-verbal communication techniques to --> Recipient (receives a thought) --> analyzes and sends a feedback to the sender for clarification --> sender clarifies.

Probing techniques.
Open ended questions.
Close ended questions.

How to give a feedback?
don't be judgmental while giving feedback.
Listen carefully for some concern.
Try to be empathetic.
Analise / Check for correct opinion.
And then give a Sandwich feedback - Good/Positive feedback followed by Negative points/Points to work upon and concluding with good points again for motivation.

Different Styles of Working.
Responsive Style ( Helps you decide the right and wrong) - Amicable and Analytical

Assertive Style (Helps you speak out right and wrong) - Driver and Expressive.

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