Monday, September 24

Loosing Virginity !!!

In my previous post i have written about Life time of Mating, surely they are not humans :)

But at the same time there is one more discussion ......

We young generation, move too fast....
Now we make sure that no one knows we are still virgin....
loosing virginity is like a big thing for youngsters .... as if there is some exam they need to appear sometime and as much experience they can accumulate is that good....
I am not a person ..who says its wrong..
but we need to understand something more ...   Is Virginity a virtue ....
Or if loosing it is really so Cool....

If you ask me , i would say one thing....
Surely possessing Virginity is not a virtue but at the same time loosing it just for the sake of loosing it is also not so cool....

Loosing or keeping your virginity should happen only when you are a legal adult....
when you can deal with consequences if any...
and most importantly ....
you should loose it for the one person whom you love and who loves you back ..... not just for some trickster or not for the sake that none of your friends are virgin anymore..

Be witty in choosing and taking the big decision...
after all.. all our first times are memorable in their own way.... and you will definitely not like to have a bad memory....

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