Wednesday, February 4

Beauty !!!

Beauty... a topic we talk next to life
for some its life .. yes its true, i have met some of the lot in my small life also...
so many wise talks we hear about beauty ... 'beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder' , 'true beauty is the beauty of the inner self' ; but i do have a doubt that how many of these kind are alive today...
in a general perception ,what i have seen is, think of the inner self later first look at the skin colour...
beauty in India ;what i have seen , is just skin deep. A fair lady is termed b'ful invariably compared to a dark skinned...
to be b'ful u have to first satisfy the condition of being fair skinned...

many a times people perceive beauty without a great complexion just like they have seen a flower exactly with the fragnance of rose which can meserize you if u close your eyes but which cannot be a rose as they dont find it that beautiful........

i guess things are changing now a days but m sure the rate of change tends to be very slow...
lets see what will become history and what will always remain as the present....

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