Monday, September 24

Independent Gal !!!

Recently i happened to watch the movie "Heroine", starred Kareena Kapoor...
A smart, independent, top-notch actress .... her journey from fame and success to being love - struck and miserable , and then her journey to downfall and struggle for revival....

But the movie shows a lot of aspects of a lady..

How she cares for one
How she is attention seeker
How she can do anything for the one she loves
How she can go mad at thoughts of loosing the loved ones
How she is watchful, careful
How she is protective
How she is manupulative
How she sometimes plays the victim even when she is not
How she go to extreme to protect the self

There are a lot of positives and negatives, there are lot of sane and insane decisions shown in the movie...

But there is something glaringly visible , oh obviously other than the faishonable clothes and the perfect bod Kareena is flaunting , and that is insecurity ....

However rich or poor , independent or not so independent , every gal craves for Love....

Love is the ruling stone for a woman, she can ruin lives and build dynasties for the simple thing Love for someone.....
However shallow she looks , however super-egoistic she is, however strong she seems, however independent she portrays herself as.... she is a soft person in the core, the person who craves for true love, seeks her true mate, her legs become shaky when she is with him and her knees go weak when he admits his love for her...

so how-much-ever cold and independent a gal portrays her , never go by looks.......
she loves to be seeked, to be nourtured , to be protected, to be pampered....

she feels powerful not when she has wealth , health , propsperity and kingdom, not when she has hordes of servants and slaves, not even when she has an army at her command.

she is powerful when she is with the one person.. who makes her feel the most beautiful , most desirable , most adorable ...when she is secure in his arms..... then she feels her true Power .......

To know she is the most vulnerable and yet the most powerful person at the same moment .......


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