Monday, February 22

Quater Life Crisis - a new dimension

Recently i happened to attend one of my friends wedding.
and as i stayed back at her place for a day during the wedding i got an oppurtunity to interact with many of her friends and relatives....

at a wedding u meet all kinds of people,toothless infants to toothless oldies , happening careless youngsters to quadra-generians and newly weds to brand new mothers ....all of them...

but something was different, i realised i dont fall into any of the categories... and there you are no-one if you are not one of the 6...

when suddenly it strikes you that you have come ahead of a glorious past and dont have the charm left to woo a college going one or rather you are really old for them and you have not yet stepped into the 'oh my husband and inlaw's family' kind of discussions also ...

from both sides you are kind of equidistant , well separated by wide channels and dont have the license to take the bridge to the other side....

and these are the places people see you with mercy, the young ones that you are still single and not dating anyone and the old ones that you are single and not yet married...

these are the places when you cant talk about your crushes, your qualification, you job life and your wonderful friends and flatmates... and then it is like 'i am speechless as i dont know any other topic to talk about this has been my life for some time now'....

this is when i realised what quater life crisis actually is... or what new discussions can we add to the quater life crisis problems and discussions...

and just then it dawns on you that quater life crisis has not left you untouched either.....